Bishop Vijay Anand Nedumpuram was born on 24 September 1938 in the parish of Cherpunkal, in the eparchy of Palai. After his school education in Palai, he joined the CMI congregation as an aspirant in 1956 at Mannanam. He had his novitiate at Chethipuzha and Philosophy as well as Theology at Dharmaram, Bangalore. He made his first profession on 16 May 1959 and Final Profession on 16 May 1962. He was ordained priest on 17 May 1967. After his ordination he did his MSW at Tata institute, Bombay in 1971. From 1971-78 he was the Vicar General of the Exarchate of Chanda, from 1978-84 General Councillor and Vicar General of the CMI Congregation. In 1984 he was elected Prior General of the congregation. He was appointed bishop of Chanda on 20 April 1990 and the announcement was on 15 May 1990. He was ordained Bishop on 3 July 1990 and was installed as Bishop of Chanda on the same day. His Episcopal motto is Viswa Kutumb (Universal Family). He retired from his office an 24 October 2014.
Bishop Januarius was born at Konthuruthy, Ernakulam on 20 March 1913. He joined the Congregation of Mary Immaculate (CMI) in 1934 and did his priestly studies at St Joseph's Seminary, Mangalore. He was ordained priest in 1942. He graduated at S.H. College, Thevara, took Ph.D. from Rome, taught Philosophy at Chethipuzha and Dharmaram until the Chanda Mission was formed in 1962. He was nominated its first Exarch in 1968. On 3 May 1977 he was consecrated bishop for the diocese of Chanda. He died on 28 March 1995 and was buried at Chanda.